Important facts about online video for businesses

video marketingHere are some Important facts about online video for businesses. You should think about them when creating your video marketing strategy for 2014

1. In November 2013, 189.2 million Americans watched 47.1 billion online videos with 26.8 billion total video ad views.
Source: Comscore

2. The number of US digital video viewers will rise by more than 22 million in the next for years, reaching 204.6 million in 2017.
Source: Emarketer

3. Cisco predicts that by 2017 internet video traffic will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic worldwide.
Source: Cisco
Online Video Marketing Is Not Just for Retailers

4. 403% An Australian real estate group reports that real estate listings with videos receive 403% more inquiries than those without videos. In other words, real estate ads with videos generate quadruple the leads of those without videos.

According to Forbes Insight, that’s the percentage of senior executives who’d rather watch a video than read text. About 65% of those who view a video click through to visit the vendor website, 50% look for more information and 45% report that they contacted a vendor after seeing an online video ad. About 50% of those who viewed an online marketing video went on to make a purchase for their business.

5.Three out of five consumers will spend roughly two minutes watching a video that educates them about a product they plan to purchase and 37% will watch for more than three minutes. (Marketing Charts)

6.Retail sites with video content increase conversion by 46%. (Treepodia)

7. 75% of all videos shared are shared on Facebook. (Adobe)

8. Video has a viral reach of 77% on Facebook. (Adobe)

9. Online video provides up to a 90% conversion rate. (Flimp)

10. 70% of B2B business are using video as a marketing tactic. (Marketing Profs)