When do you use QR codes?

When presented with an image of a QR code, 94% of smartphone shoppers surveyed by Perception Research Services International (PRS) reported having seen one, while 44% claimed to have used one. Among those shoppers who reported having used QR codes, the predominant uses were for general product information (69%) and promotions (65%), with price (57%) also a motivator. Respondents, who were required to be responsible for at least half of their household’s grocery shopping, were generally less likely to use QR codes to obtain product reviews (42%), loyalty rewards (40%), or to find a store’s location (29%).

The study also finds that men are more likely than women to be both familiar with, and users of, QR codes, a result that aligns with research from Scanbuy showing that QR code users skew male.

Overall, unaided awareness of QR codes among PRS survey respondents stood at 57% (men: 75% / women: 52%).

Qr codes have many more uses, you can read more on older posts of this blog. Use creativity to market with qr codes.