This time I’m going to say I told you so.
for months we’ve been talking about the importance of Google plus and how the fact that is a passion based relationship creates more relevant conversations with your audience.
We told you to create your Google plus business page
We did an episode of our show on how to use Google Plus for business
We talked everywhere about the Google Plus hang out feature
and talked more on Google plus possibilities
and then we told you the content inside Google plus was getting indexed in the search engines.
Well, today your presence or lack of presence on Google Plus is impacting your findability- Yes, people that may be looking for something you offer might not find you or even worse find your competitors.
Google released Search plus Your World where results from Google Plus will show first.
Look what happens if I search for the word photography. This is a topic I discuss on Google Plus

Look on the right side and see suggestions from Google Plus
Now look when I do the same search when I’m not logged in. Google thinks I’m a new search

If you are not already seeing Google plus results in your searches go here: Google and upgrade.
Again, it is time to put hands to work and work on your Google Plus profile and create a Google plus business page. Fast.
Did I mentioned it is also extremely fun and a lot more relevant that Facebook if your business is around a topic that people have a irrational passion for? Like photography, crafts, nutrition, self-improvement etc? Try typing thing you are passionate about inside Google Plus.
If you are one of our social media agency clients, don’t worry, all is taken care for you.