Building Your Audience

One day at the park, after I showed my movements to another dog, it turned around and bit my butt. That day I cried and went back to my masters. But I learned that not every dog will be part of your audience.
Definitely, that dog was not part of my audience and quite frankly, I don’t need followers with that kind of manners.
I have refined my movement to a point of perfection. Now, most times they run with me, but it was not always like that. At the beginning, I missed a lot and they wouldn’t quite get my message or would get it totally wrong. Going often to the park and trying every single time I met a new friend to get it to run with me made all the difference, because I understood how to reach them and connect with them and finally I understood what kind of message they would like to get from me. Life is all about being consistent.
I can say that today, I’m pretty well known in my park. When I get there, some run to greet me and I can hear some people saying, “There is Apple”, “Hey Apple is here, go play with her Rufus”, which means to me that even humans now understand that I bring something of value to the park, I bring fun and interaction amongst the dog community in that park. The humans got it because a good message ends up being universal. Now, I’m almost out of space, so I’m not going to show you how all this relates to social media, twitter and other media, because I know you understand the basic principle. If you like to have followers, friends, connections, learn from dogs at the park.
To be part of my community, look for Apple Boyayan on Facebook. Don’t worry that you will not fit in because you are a human, one of my best friends there is a hamster.

By Apple Boyayan

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