6 New ways of using video in the healthcare industry

This post is from a company in Australia called Creativa.

Healthcare and video: You may not relate these two concepts naturally, but if we think about it, they really are a match made in heaven. Nowadays, there is a growing demand for both services: public and private healthcare as well as video in all its forms. Due to different reasons (such as ageing population, and the need to access remote populations from centralized facilities, to name a few) communications technology is playing an increasingly important role in this industry and affecting healthcare workers, providers, suppliers, and patients in the most positive way.

Healthcare organizations all over the world are turning to video to improve care and reduce cost. Through video, prevention and wellness programs can easily be shown. A video conference also provides access to expert consultations no matter where or when the need arises. Even video games are having an impact on healthcare! According to a recent study by the University of Utah, video games can help patients with cancer, diabetes, asthma, depression, autism, Parkinson’s disease and more. The study, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, also indicates that video games can be therapeutic and are already beginning to show health-related benefits. In the end, it’s all about enhancing customer experience. There are many ways to use film in the healthcare industry and I’ve got the videos to prove it.

1-With video, you can document standardized ways of doing things in an attractive format to train the hospital or clinic’s staff. Suppliers and vendors may learn how to best use new products and sell new medicines through this technology. Do not forget healthcare institutions are also businesses with need of internal communications. And what can be more personal and direct than a video?

2-Videos can help educate potential patients, while they are in the waiting room or even at home. Even if people are not sick, it is a great way to reach out to the public to raise awareness on how to prevent certain diseases.

6 New ways of using video in the healthcare industry

Healthcare and video: You may not relate these two concepts naturally, but if we think about it, they really are a match made in heaven. Nowadays, there is a growing demand for both services: public and private healthcare as well as video in all its forms. Due to different reasons (such as ageing population, and the need to access remote populations from centralized facilities, to name a few) communications technology is playing an increasingly important role in this industry and affecting healthcare workers, providers, suppliers, and patients in the most positive way.

Healthcare organizations all over the world are turning to video to improve care and reduce cost. Through video, prevention and wellness programs can easily be shown. A video conference also provides access to expert consultations no matter where or when the need arises. Even video games are having an impact on healthcare! According to a recent study by the University of Utah, video games can help patients with cancer, diabetes, asthma, depression, autism, Parkinson’s disease and more. The study, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, also indicates that video games can be therapeutic and are already beginning to show health-related benefits. In the end, it’s all about enhancing customer experience. There are many ways to use film in the healthcare industry and I’ve got the videos to prove it.

1-With video, you can document standardized ways of doing things in an attractive format to train the hospital or clinic’s staff. Suppliers and vendors may learn how to best use new products and sell new medicines through this technology. Do not forget healthcare institutions are also businesses with need of internal communications. And what can be more personal and direct than a video? Check out the video for Rural Workforce Agencies:

2-Videos can help educate potential patients, while they are in the waiting room or even at home. Even if people are not sick, it is a great way to reach out to the public to raise awareness on how to prevent certain diseases. Andrology Australia:

3-Explaining concepts or processes through video is always much more effective and attractive than in other formats, which is why you may want to produce a video to show what goes on in a certain type of surgery or procedure. Having all the information will keep the patient happy and more at ease. And it will certainly make the doctors’ lives easier. Dr Michael Rich:

4-With video, you can help families by saving them time in trips and consultations (not to mention the time spent at the doctors and the doctors fees). Videos can also keep relatives informed and up to date with the patients’ needs and procedures without having to rely on their memory – therefore avoiding additional stress and worries. Who would have imagined a simple video can contribute to improving the quality of life of the patient?

5-Waiting rooms can be so annoying sometimes, especially for those who bring the kids along. Spending so much time in a confined, rather dull space is enough to make anyone restless. How about creating an educational cartoon or animation that will keep the kids busy and entertained? That means at least half an hour of peace for you.

6- You can even go as far as creating a channel of information to promote the clinic. http://www.youtube.com/user/dentalimplantscentre

These are just a few of the many ways video can improve communications and collaboration across the entire healthcare spectrum, for better decision-making, efficiency, cost-savings, productivity and of course, the wellbeing of the patient. Ready for more? Give us a call and we’ll discuss this fascinating subject at length, making sure that together, we can make the health care industry make the most out of video.

The line between TV and online video will disappear in 2014

The screen won’t matter to the viewer in 2014, and it shouldn’t matter to the video marketer, either, says Millward Brown. Viewers will be happy to start watching a program on a smartphone and resume it on a big-screen TV. Video marketing needs to move just as fluidly, and marketers will need to do greater research to understand who’s watching.

Read from OnlineVideo.net’s – 5 Video Marketing Predictions for 2014 http://www.onlinevideo.net/2013/12/5-video-marketing-predictions-2014/#ixzz2oRCiaK1c

The time for Online Videos

Like it or not customers are no longer walking into business to be educated by a salesman. They walk in ready to buy, knowing exactly what they want, and how much they are prepared to pay.

The decision has already been made online, before they meet you.

When they go online, and they look for video.

Video is today’s salesman.

A recent survey of 1,000 consumers global buying habits revealed

1 in 3 consumers watch video on a product page
41% of consumers share product videos socially.
60% Of the surveyed customers used a YouTube review video to make a purchase decision.
69% of consumers watch videos two or more times for “information-intensive products, before purchasing.” (for example anything to do with the marine industry)

Video is shared socially more than any other medium.

Videos are becoming a critical component of the digital purchase funnel

It’s an integral element of marketing that moves your consumers closer to that all-important buy.

The future of marketing today is being built around video.

Now, the stage is set it’s time for all business to begin creating real online value using video.

Consumers are naturally coming to expect video not as an add-on or a destination, but as an integral part of their online experience.

Understanding how your consumers interact with video And understanding why they consume video will allow you to gain a competitive advantage.

Small Business Video Marketing Strategies: Steps To Ranking a YouTube Video

When should you post your online videos?

That is another question related to social media marketing and online videos.
As in any media, online videos also have a prime time.

First you need to answer if your videos are for general use of the end consumer, like people watching from home or if it is to be watched by a business audience, during work hours.

Second you need to take into consideration where in the world the majority of your audience is and take into consideration the time frame there.

Prime time to post online videos:

For home audience: Between 4pm and 9pm

For a business audience: 7am to 9am, 11am to 1pm, 3pm to 5pm

You should avoid posting outside these frames