Dolphin on a Monday

Since it is Monday and it is cold, I thought you’d like to watch a video we did in Vegas with some dolphins.

Dolphin in VegasHere are some pictures we took in Vegas.

We love animals, so we went to see some of them.

One has to have fun every now and then….


Dolphin head

Working in Utah

This video shows a tip about networking in Utah

BuzzBooster and Podcasting

We’ll be presenting on Training using podcasting at the ASTD on Nov. 15th

Check more info at Networking in Utah

Las Vegas, here we go again

We are leaving today to Las Vegas for the world Blog Conference.

It is always fun to go there and looks like we’ll meet a good amount of Utah folks there.

People Waking up

I’ve been listening more and more some internet marketers talking about the importance of creating a real business.

I’m really happy to hear that.

I never liked the performance of some marketers just trying to create one product after the other and flooding their lists with e-mails.

It is good to see some of them now, trying to figure a way to stop that and turn their business into something solid

Guy Kawasaki in Utah

We’ve been so busy, I didn’t have time to blog about this before.

Last week Guy Kawasaki was in town and we attended his presentation.

It was really good and he talked about what people need to do in order to innovate.

Here is a picture we took with him.

Networking in Utah

Check out this video about a business networking community for those in the state of Utah…

This made me chuckle…
