Is your business remarkable?

First, it doesn’t matter if you say yes or no, you need to be present on our simulcast this Thursday on how to be remarkable in 2010. Register right now for the Be remarkable seminar and then continue reading.

Now, back the the subject.

There really isn’t a lot of place in the market for businesses that don’t stand out, and I don’t mean that only in the sense of having exposure. Today you need to take care of every detail in order to succeed and be remarkable.

Have you ever been to Disneyland? I haven’t but I’m an avid student of how Disney markets. I know the place is really clean, every paper is picked up by any employee and they see this as part of marketing and it is. Every detail in the process counts.

One point where most businesses are less than remarkable, especially small businesses is during the sales process. There is no system for the sale itself, no upsells or downsells and many times there is not even a call for the sale itself. It is interesting how people many times feel guilty to ask for the sale, try to upsell is almost a sin. But we are in business for profit right? We also tend to judge our audience and decide for them if they can or cannot buy from us. If you don’t take anything from this article, take at least this: Don’t judge your audience! Let them figure how they are going to pay you and if they can or cannot afford your prices. Take another thing: Create a structure for your sales, think about upsells and downsells and create a follow-up process. It is really naive to think you only need to talk to a person once to make the sale and to think they are not willing to buy more things from you. More on this topic on our call Thursday. See you there!

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