Very interesting info-graphic about the efficiency of e-mail marketing from Business2community.

If you feel overwhelmed by this fact, read on to learn about some great email subject lines that will guarantee your targeted audience opens your email.
1.) Subjects that Offer Contrary Advice
This particular subject line works really well if the audience happens to encompass members of the business community. Ultimately, the use of a contrarian title makes a reader begin to think about what you actually mean and they end up opening your email specifically to find out if they guessed what you were talking about.
Example: Your Clients Have No Idea What They Want: Effective Research Shows Correct Market Trends and Foregoes Collecting Customer Opinions
2.) A Creative Thought that Doesn’t Really Fit Together
In a sense, this could involve the use of sarcasm. When used correctly, this style of writing can be humorous, invoke curiosity and inspire action. But remember, if you use it in the subject line, the body of the text has to back it up.
Example: Accomplish All Your Dreams without Leaving Your House
3.) Say Something Controversial
Ultimately, controversy will always be an effective marketing tool. This is why the National Enquirer and other celebrity tabloids will always fly off the shelves. A reader always wants to learn a secret or be privy to salacious information. As an email marketer, you can use this desire to sell your product or service.
Example: What Facebook Doesn’t Want You to Know About Paid Ads
4.) Shock and Awe
Shock will always be one of the most intense emotions a human can experience, for better or worse. Shocking information sells and, just like the breaking news ticker that scrolls along the bottom of the TV screen, this type of subject line should be timely. After all, how many times have you paused what you are doing specifically to check out what a shocking headline was about, either on TV or the Internet? The same can be said about email.
Example: Warren Buffett Explains Why Your Business Is Going to Get Crushed in 2013
5.) Reference the World of Pop Culture
As much as many of us may hate to admit it, there is a reason why people like the Kardashians and Lindsay Lohan attract our attention. While it may be a form of mediocre entertainment, most people have a hard time turning their attention away from pop culture references. This is because, for good or bad, pop culture icons satisfy our curiosity as well as allow us to feel good about our choices (because of their bad ones). A pop culture reference in an email subject line can be pure gold.
Example: What Not to Do: Kim Kardashian’s Guide to Bad Business
In closing, there are some rules to follow when writing email subject lines.
- Make it useful; promise valuable information to the reader.
- Ensure that there is a sense of urgency; it must inspire the reader to open the email right now.
- Create a unique message; ensure the email is something that is compelling and creative.
- Provide specifics; always make sure that the message shows how the reader will benefit from the information.
Remember, your targeted audience is not simply standing by, waiting to hear from you. When you do happen to have an email in their in-box, you have to give them a reason to open your message and read what you have to say.