Thank you!

We’d like to take a moment and thank you for being here.

When we look back at the last 8 years we have a lot to be thankful for. We came a long way from the time when we got here with only two bags and a teddy bear! A time when we used to look at the sky and think that even the stars were different and we were so unsure of our future.

That future turned out to be quite an amazing journey for us.

I remember one night about a month after we arrived that I woke up screaming with fear of what was ahead. It took six months for us to get our first client. A $50 dollar sale.

During that period we became experts in counting coins to see if there was enough money to buy stuff we needed or put gas in the car.

But as time went by we made connections with people that showed us how to move forward and slowly we started to move other people forward too. Nothing would have happened without the people around us.

Not only close friends and clients, but people meeting us at networking meetings and talking to others, people giving referrals, people reading our blog, listening to our audios, watching our videos and opening our e-mails.

Every single one, every social network connection, friends, fans, followers and so many people that we even never met face-to-face have played a key role in our journey and in our business.

Every time someone shared a video, forwarded an e-mail we sent, etc. has helped us along the way.

Be certain of one thing: we sure value you A LOT and we’re really thankful for you being here.

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