Tips for bloggers

I’m assuming you have a blog. A blog is a must today in business.
If you don’t, please, start one today. It is easy and free.
If you don’t even know what a blog is or why you should have one, you can find more information about blogs here.
Today, these tips are for people that have a blog.

1. Write mostly in first person

2. Attribute links to source material

3. Blog title should include a description of what the blog is about.

4. Write about a variety of topics, some business related, some personal.

5.Headline should be simple and include one of your important search terms

6.Make it easy for visitors to subscribe to your RSS

7. Include photos, audio and videos regularly

8. Use a domain name that match a search term that is important for your business.

9. Your blog should live in your business domain. (ex:

10.Include links to your company.

11. Vary the length of your entries.

12. Invite comments from visitors

13. Respond comments from visitors

14. Have someplace a photo of yourself.

15. Provide readers with a way to contact you.

16. Provide a search option

17. Make it easy for people to bookmark your entries to,, StumbleUpon and/or other social bookmarking sites?

Blogs are fun, help you position yourself as the expert in your industry, is your own media and helps you build a group of followers.
Time spent blogging is time spent building your business.

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