Expotv- pay-per-play

ExpoTV features thousands of Videopinions reviews – short, unbiased, consumer-generated videos of products and services.

ExpoTV is an interesting new service that allows for individuals to post reviews of their own experiences with products and services for a bounty.

With Pay-Per-Play, you earn 1$ each time your fans watch any of your videos at ExpoTV.com. It’s so easy. You get paid every month based on how many times all of your video reviews are viewed on our site.

What does Google want from its advertisers?

-First of all, Google wants ads that get clicked on.

-Google rewards and prefers stability and longevity.

-Google likes to see a low “bounce rate.” That’s the number of people who click to your site and immediately bail.

-Ideally Google would like to see those people click on your ad, disappear into your site and never be seen again.

Meet the Expert- Glenn Dietzel

Are you the intentional choice of your market?

On this show Glenn Dietzel talks about entrepreneurial Authoring and how you can use a book to build a business.

Listen to the Buzz and Biz Show now

The Power of Mastermind Groups

Napoleon Hill nailed it on the head when he said that you need a “Mastermind Group.” Without a dynamic team that can help substitute your weaknesses and highlight your strengths, you are pretty much lost.

Alone you are practically nothing. Together, you can conquer the world. While much of this may not make sense to you given the lack of insight that I have provided, I can say one thing: assemble a powerful team.

That team is going to be the basis for your future. That future is not days, weeks or months, but years. Choose your team wisely and you will reap the rewards, choose your team poorly and you will go down in flames

Are You The Intentional Choice Of Your Market?

Are you the Knowledge Broker for your Optimum Clients who want to choose ONLY you?

If this does not sound familiar to you, then you must read on.

Warning: What I am about to share with you has not been revealed before.

You need to be on this call with Glenn Dietzel:

Wednesday, September 5th, 2007


Investment: Free!

Sales Letters

Even numbers are not as effective as odd numbers in sales letters and advertisements.

Odd numbers have something hanging. There is urgency in them

Engaging Consumers online

Consumers want to be able to give you input about your products and your company?

Why not let them and use it to market your company?


According to a recent Gartner Group Study, “…50% of web sales are lost because visitors cannot easily find products, content, or services they’re looking for on websites.”

More facts for landing pages

A compelling landing page should have a target audience-specific offer and simple usability1. Make the offer relevant to the ultimate goal or objective of the landing page.2. The landing page should quickly explain how the offer will benefit the customer.3. The call to action should be clearly stated and easy to accept4. Forms should be simple and pre-filled when applicable.5. Do not include distracting navigation when possible.

Landing Pages

Did you know that:

  • Search ads perform 30% better when the call to action of the ad is reflected in the headline of the landing page.
  • The conversion rate on direct mail averages 50% when using personalized landing pages.